Before sending your writing to our office
for publication consideration, you must have already read at
one book that we've published. Why? Because the only way you can
learn if it's worth your time and effort to send us a manuscript
is if you are familiar with our editorial viewpoint.
When you send us your writing, you are asking us to take the time to read and consider it — we are asking you to do the same: read one of our books and consider whether your submission is appropriate for our company. In your cover letter, please tell us which book you have read and what you thought about it. Be specific. Our books are available at libraries as well as bookstores, or you can order online from this website. You don't have to buy one (although we wouldn't mind if you did), you just have to read one, okay?
Email submissions are now preferred! Email submissions can be sent any time throughout the year to the following email address only: mss at manicdpress dot com — please include complete contact info (name, address, phone, email address). You will be contacted only if the editors are interested in reading your entire manuscript. PDFs are the preferred electronic document format for all manuscripts.
Non-emailed manuscripts are read twice a year,
during the months of January and July ONLY. Writing and
sent any time other than these months will sit in a pile until
the next reading time rolls around. Always send copies, NEVER
send originals. Manic D Press is not responsible for lost or
Simultaneous submissions are okay, just let us know if the work has been accepted elsewhere or if (and where) it has been previously published.
To submit work for consideration in both electronic and printed formats, please send the following ONLY:
POETRY: 5-10 poems
SHORT STORIES: 3-5 stories
NOVELS: send synopsis and one chapter. Do NOT send entire manuscript.
GRAPHIC NOVELS / VISUAL ART / CHILDREN'S BOOKS: send a representative sample of the manuscript (in pdf format for email submissions).
No submissions will be returned - it wastes fossil fuel and money on stamps! If we are interested in reading the full manuscript, we will contact you. Please include your email address and phone number on your cover letter and on every page of your manuscript.
The best way to learn if it's worth your time and energy to submit your writing is to READ THE BOOKS WE'VE ALREADY PUBLISHED. Don't send your work if you don't enjoy what we publish.
Please do not call or email regarding your submission. We'll be in touch if we're going to publish your work.
Thanks for your interest.
Manic D Press - PO Box 410804 - San Francisco CA 94141 USA - mss at manicdpress dot com